
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:26:58
关键词:农村; 新课程改革; 教育; 教师; 学生

The problem that new course in village reform the inside
- take new course in language reform as an example
Summary: the course reformation is the important mission of the now educational circles, but the main reformation course spreads to accept, course independent, course system tight, teaching material, teaching process, course management policy etc..And this time reform to too puts into practice in the village, the village course reform to have what new problem again?Therefore, this text is since see superficially individual, village course that the intercommunity, village course that the necessity, village course of the difference, village course reformation of the new old course education reform reform reform the opposite strategy in inside with puts thorough research in etc. aspect in realistic meaning that method and courses reform into practice, combining the combinative actual example take into the analysis, evaluate, elucidation.Then this text tries from the p